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Andropause, a myth or a reality?

What is andropause?

It is a set of physiological and psychological symptoms that can accompany the decline of testosterone in aging men. It occurs between the ages of 45 and 65. It affects about 20 to 25% of men from the age of 50.

What are the symptoms?

  • Decreased sexual appetite;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Decreased energy and drive;
  • Possible sleep disorders;
  • General decrease of physical and psychic tonus.

How is andropause diagnosed?

You should report your condition to your doctor who will then prescribe a blood test.

What are the treatments for andropause?

They are numerous:

  • Administration of testosterone by intramuscular injection;
  • Administration of testosterone by gel;
  • Natural supplements based on testosterone.

Can andropause be prevented?

It is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle by :

  • Choosing the right fats in the diet;
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables as well as fiber;
  • Avoiding alcohol;
  • Limiting the consumption of sugar and refined products;
  • Practicing a regular physical activity.

Share your experience with us!


What is andropause?


4 things to know about andropause, https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Dossiers/DossierComplexe.aspx?doc=andropose-choses-savoir#:~:text=L’andropause%20entraine%20fatigue%20et,d%C3%A9calcification%20et%20sensation%20de%20fatigue.

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