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Herb-e-Concept and sanitary measures

As an essential service company, we remain active during this crisis.

In a context of severe travel restrictions and in accordance with the directives set out by the health authorities and the Government of Quebec, we have implemented draconian measures to avoid any contamination between our employees, namely:

  • daily reminder to all employees about the hygiene measures to adopt, including frequent hand washing;
  • preventive measures to protect our employees within our premises;
  • invitation to all employees who are equipped to work remotely to telecommute, for an indefinite period;
  • prohibition for any visitor to enter our buildings and facilities, except for the delivery of products or ingredients whose personnel must comply with health safety instructions;

As a result, Herb-e-Concept remains fully mobilized to meet the logistical needs of product supplies and to meet the questions and expectations of our customers.

We invite our employees, our partners and our customers to comply with the health security guidelines and urge them to consult the official websites as a priority:

French: https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/maladies/2019-nouveau-coronavirus/prevention-risques.html

English: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks.html?topic=tilelink

Herb-e-Concept is more than ever listening to its customers

More than ever, the health crisis and the probable economic and financial crisis which will follow and which affect our countries bring their share of stress and anxiety. Nevertheless, and as is the case in any situation generating these inconveniences or panic states, a good personal organization helps to take over the problems and helps us to feel secure: Establish safe routines (handwashing, coughing in his elbow, social distancing, confinement, etc.) but also to adapt to these measures judiciously.

Indeed, a social separation that consists in leaving a safe distance between individuals, and confinement are only physical measures. It’s time to use technologies to communicate: social networks which currently offer a myriad of ideas to take care of, occupy your children, teach them on health security and on subjects that school does not necessarily teach, etc., but also and above all video conferences rather than just phone calls. In a context of confinement, seeing your loved ones, friends and people, in general, can help you bond

For the rest, Herb-e-Concept continues to provide your therapist or your usual store of natural products, the whole range of LTO3, Deep Sleep (and all the other supplements, of course) in case you feel special needs, to relax, reduce anxiety and stress and regain your full capacity to think and concentrate.

Herb-e-Concept has also improved its offer via the Internet. A quick tour of www.herb-e-concept.com will introduce you to our new website. Feel free to send us your comments in a private message on our Facebook page or via the contact form on our site so that we can improve it and always respond adequately to your needs.

We are here. Know how much we appreciate your expressions of gratitude about our products and this pushes us to surpass ourselves, to seek ever more the quality of our products and our ingredients. We thank you for your confidence and wish you good luck.

Marc St-Denis
President of Herb-e-Concept
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